Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring Beginnings

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free."

So says the words at the base of the Statue of Liberty.

It almost seems like a Harley Davidson commercial. All I need is an artful photo of a Harley Fatboy in front of the Statue of Liberty and I am good to go.

It sounds corny, but really it sums up my Sunday.

I was delighted to discover that I was finally not the only motorcycle in the parking lot at church. I recognized the dual-sport, but there was another that I didn't immediately recognize. The owner chose to leave their helmet on their motorcycle, so I didn't get a chance to at least wave to the owner.

These past few months my mind has been troubled.

So when the weather was glorious after church, it didn't take much prompting to find me on the way to the coast for clam chowder.

Just a quick stop at work to pick up my cell phone, since I had left it there the day before, and I was on my way.

All motorcycles that I saw on the way told me that a lot of other folks were "yearning to breathe free" as well. It has been a long time since I have seen so many motorcycles.

There were not so many at the coast, probably due to the fact that it was rather nippy and foggy there, but the clam chowder at Mo's West was actually rather good.

So, it was a refreshed and happy Balisada that returned from lunch at the coast.

I paid more for lunch than I did in gas.

I really like my motorcycle.



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