Monday, November 24, 2008

Foggy Bottoms

So several weeks ago, the uniform guy wandered into my office at work peddling his new catalog and one of the items was a high vis vest. Apparently there is a new rule that says something about safety vests needing to be 'screaming yellow.'

One of the vests caught my eye, and after using it for a few weeks, I have to say that I am still happy.

It gets pretty foggy in the Willamette Valley in the mornings, so I am glad for the vest.

An unexpected side effect is that folks tend to think that I am a safety person.

Except the lady at the market who thought that I was a bus driver.

I was in a hurry and on the phone, so I couldn't politely inquire as to what would make her think that I drove a bus for a living. It wasn't until too late I realized that the high vis vest must be required for bus drivers too.

I can live with that.

As long as it gets me seen.

If I see the lady in the store again, I will apologize for not explaining (she was rather nice).



Saturday, November 15, 2008

A paid for motorcycle sounds different

A couple of weeks ago, I was perusing my bank statement, and was surprised to discover that I only owed $20 on my Rebel.

I could have paid it off long ago, but I wanted the good payments to be on my credit.

So I wandered down to the bank to pay it off.

They looked in their computer and said that it had already been paid off and the title sent to me.

After looking through my mail back home, a letter I had taken for junk mail, was in fact, my title.


I went promptly down the DMV to get my title in my name only.

In my enthusiastic haste, I had forgotten to bring some money so I used their cash machine to retrieve some.

I had put my helmet on the seat next to me and left it while I used the ATM. For $500 bucks, it gets it's own seat.

Except that when I returned, someone and her teenager had taken my seat, so that my helmet was now sitting next to a teenager who probably had no concept of a $500 helmet that is only good for one hit.

I am sorry to say that I wasn't all that nice when I scooped up my helmet and chose a new seat. You would think that they would assume that the seat next to the helmet was taken. I know it's petty, but it still bugs me.

So I have only just received my title from the DMV.

My motorcycle is now mine, mine mine.

And I think that it makes a funny noise, now that it is paid for.

Perhaps that's the strings of bondage being cut.

